What You Need To Know Before You Buy A Stromanthe Triostar
A strikingly unique plant, the Magenta Triostar aka Stromanthe Triostar is truly one of a kind.
The Stromanthe Triostar or Magenta Triostar is a beautiful, low-maintenance plant that adds vibrant colors and lush greenery to any room. Native to the tropical rainforests of South America, specifically Brazil, they are a popular choice as indoor plants due to their attractive, colorful foliage and relatively easy care requirements.
Could this plant be right for you? Read on to learn a bit more about what makes the Stromanthe Triostar so unique, and to see if it’s the right fir for your home.
Your Stromanthe Likes Light
Like many tropical plants, the Stromanthe Triostar requires bright, indirect sunlight to thrive. Direct sunlight can scorch its leaves and cause damage. In its natural habitat, it grows under the canopy of larger trees, receiving dappled sunlight. Indoors, it is best to place the plant near a window that receives bright, indirect light, but not direct sunlight. If your window is too sunny, you can place a sheer curtain to filter the light. You can also supplement the light with artificial grow lights if needed.
A pop of pink! The Stromanthe Triostar is also often referred to as the Magenta Triostar.
…And They Like Humidity Even More
The Stromanthe Triostar does best when its soil maintains a consistent level of moisture. As such, these humidity loving plants won’t love sporadic or infrequent watering, and they also should be kept at arm’s distance from air conditioning units or heaters. And while watering your Stromanthe is important for its health, but it's also important to avoid overwatering. Allow the soil to dry out slightly between waterings, and be sure to use well-draining soil to prevent root rot.
They’re Not the Easiest Plant to care for
Like many tropical plants, the Stromanthe can sometimes take some patience before finding the ideal conditions to help it thrive. While still considered a relatively easy-care plant, we do not recommend it for those who travel often or are likely to forget to water, as plant can be a diva when it comes to their watering routine!
Stromanthe Triostar is a Prayer Plant
The Stromanthe triostar is a proud member of the prayer plant family— but what does that mean? These fascinating plants are called "prayer plants" because of their unique ability to raise and lower their leaves in a manner that resembles hands in prayer. During the day, they lower again, capturing as much light as possible.
If Green ain’t your thing
While the Stromanthe Triostar has some green markings on its foliage, the predominant colors are actually bright pinks, magentas, and creamy whites. A variegated plant at its finest, the Stromanthe Triostar is often referred to as the Magenta Triostar thanks to its vibrant pink leaves that appear to be painted on by Mother Nature herself.
A plant that’s safe for pets
Do you have a curious pet or child at home? The good news for pet owners and parents is that the Magenta Triostar is completely safe for pets: it is non-toxic and causes no harm if consumed. That said, it’s always best to keep plants outside the reach of pets and children, if anything for the health and well-being of the plant!
Feeding Your Stromanthe: A Fertilizer 101
As a houseplant, the Stromanthe Triostar does best when regularly fertilized, particularly during the spring and summer. Use a balanced fertilizer designed for indoor plants, usually one to two times a month between March and October. Boost Vitaminé is a gentle, all natural plant food that can even be used (albeit less frequently) during the winter!
How To Select A Healthy, Thriving Stromanthe Triostar
If you're interested in buying a Stromanthe Triostar, be sure to do your research and choose a reputable seller. Look for a healthy plant with vibrant, colorful foliage— it should not have a pale or yellowed appearance. If you see a few brown tips or yellowed leaves, don’t be worried— this is very common with this plant and not necessarily a sign of ill health.
Despite its bold colors, he Stromanthe Triostar blends in beautifully with any type of decor.
Avoid purchasing your Stromanthe from a Garden Center
Buying a Stromanthe Triostar, like any plant, is an investment, and you want to make sure that you’re getting your money’s worth. But cutting corners from the beginning by purchasing your plant for the lowest possible price can come back to bite you in the pocket. Remember that the plants offered by garden centers may have an appealing price tag, but no guarantee of pest- free, well-tended health.
Plants at garden stores are frequently given the same water, light and care regardless of their species. This does not bode well for Stromanthe varieties, which prefer more frequent watering than most typical houseplants.
Magenta Triostar
A striking accent plant with exotic magenta, cream, and green colored foliage. It is a member of the prayer plant family, with leaves that close at night and open during the day. The Triostar prefers prefers medium light and is a great air purifier.