Real Plants, Real People: Ashley, Danny, & Baby Ana
Ashley and Danny have lived in their San Francisco home for almost ten years. In a way, taking care of plants together has been a crash course for the real parenting adventure they have only just begun.
How did you know this home was for you?
It actually took us leaving this apartment to realize how special it is. We had to patiently wait for the new tenant to move out so we could move back in! There is something about having an expansive view of the ocean and the Golden Gate Bridge ... seeing that beauty everyday must calm the nervous system or something. It has an ineffable quality.
What inspires you when you decorate?
We wanted to honor the older details of this building by adding a more antique, vintage touch. Comfort is also a key decorating theme so we sought beautiful, cozy pieces that jived with the historical elements.
What are your plant care secrets?
Top secret: pick easy to care for, healthy-already plants! We also had a bit of negotiating to do as it relates to their care-taking. One of us (we won’t name names!) is a bit more enthusiastic about owning plants than the other, and that person also happens to be the one who travels more often and needs more help keeping up with them. But even though we aren’t equally passionate about the hobby, we both benefit so much from having plants, and in the end we found a care routine that works for both of us. Splitting the responsibilities means every plant gets what it needs and we maintain our marital bliss. Kind of like regular parenting, but maybe a little easier!