Posts tagged Leon & George events
Léon & George is coming to Seattle!
Seattle plant pop-up

Seattle, we’re coming for you!

One week before Thanksgiving and just a few weeks before holiday madness, we’re making a quick stop in one of our favorite cities to say hello. We’re very excited to see you, Seattle.

Stop by our pop-up in Capitol Hill to meet our plant and pot sets in real life and chat all things indoor greenery with our plant stylists. We’ll be hosting plant matchmaking, offering special pop-up promotions, and of course, answering all your burning plant questions.

We’ve heard it can get a bit dreary this time of year in Seattle — come get your dose of nature and find the perfect plant that will get you through winter!

Photo courtesy of The Cloud Room.

Photo courtesy of The Cloud Room.

Save the date!

Thursday, November 21, 1-7pm

The Cloud Mezz (1424 11th Street, 1M)

The Not-So-Secret Life of Plants - Part II: Supernatural Plant Stories

On the brink of Halloween, a group of wild and curious plant lovers gathered at our urban greenhouse for an evening of storytelling and science. At part two of our new discussion series, we dove into the world of supernatural plant powers, how they communicate with each other, animals, and us.

Thank you to the UC Davis Botanical Conservatory for lending plants for our learning, and to Standard Wines for keeping our night classy.

The Not-So-Secret Life of Plants

A new educational series setting out to demystify the most illusive secrets of how plants live and love. Plants are living beings, just like us—and there's nothing secretive about them! They actually make their needs known in very overt ways. Spend an interactive evening in our urban greenhouse and we guarantee you'll learn something new. Space is limited so reserve your spot early!

Thursday, September 27, 7pm-8:15pm 

You might think your houseplant is just an inanimate object sitting in the corner… but it's truly living and breathing! At this series premiere, we’ll explore how plant behavior and survival mimics our own, and how we're not so different after all. Participate in a mini-propagation activity and take home a new plant baby of your own!

Thursday, October 25, 7pm-8:15pm 

Plants communicate with the world around them to accomplish some supernatural, superpowered stuff. Come hear the most outlandish plant stories—the good, the bad, and the spooky!

Thursday, November 15, 7pm-8:15pm 

Take care of your houseplants, and they'll return the favor. Your plants can help you breathe better, feel better, and live better. We'll explore the many reasons we're thankful for the way plants enrich our lives (and spruce up our style).

About our professor


A native of New York City, Emily Bick is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of California, Davis. She received her bachelor's degree in entomology from Cornell University and her master's degree in entomology from UC Davis. She is a Board-Certified Entomologist, specializing in medical and plant entomology. Her work has focused on leveraging entomological knowledge to best benefit people, and developing practical solutions for invasion biology of urban forests. Emily holds a national Linnaean Games championship title and is delighted to list “published theater critic” to her resume.

More about Emily: